Corona nonsense – Lockdown part 2

Oh cool. This makes so much sense. ? We can’t run our businesses that most of us poured our blood, sweat and tears into. We’re going into thousands of dollars into debt by the week. Far too many have lost their businesses already.

People are sick. People’s surgeries are cancelled. Healthcare workers are burnt the heck out. Jobs are lost. People are losing their homes. Bankruptcy, homelessness, divorce, depression, and suicide is at an all time high. People are not eating. We can’t see our families. Can’t visit your dying loved ones or have your wedding or attend a funeral or visit your new born niece/nephew or terminally-ill family in the hospital. We can’t keep up our positive mental health or wellness practices because can’t go to the gym or yoga/meditation or let your kid play their sports. Kids are beyond confused and traumatized. Parents are holding on a by a thread. You can’t go for a massage after you’ve been in a car accident BUT everyone’s allowed to go shopping at WEM in a sess pool of strangers instead and touch a billion things and rub up against each other ??

It’s solved now, but last week made no sense when you could still go to a bar or a casino and destroy your physical and mental health. Glad we finally realized how ridiculous that was and how unfair to the wellness industry and the population in general. Why are we prioritizing unnecessary and damaging activities and banning healthy ones when our people need these tools now more than EVER. Why does the darkness continue to be promoted?

Sorry but who the F is in charge around here? Nothing makes sense. Let’s get our priorities straight. Why are we sacrificing for no reason? What is everything so contradicting?

If we are trying to “limit” the spread of a virus I ask how on earth is THIS helping? Why is nothing logical? Why are unnecessary businesses open? And why are wellness practices closed? We’re all just sitting around closed for no reason because I can guarantee the cases after Christmas will be astronomical and we will get put into a full on lockdown anyway.

We already lost the world as we knew it, every sense of normalcy and our life savings. Christmas is cancelled so tell me why the heck do we need to shop for gifts? The best gift of all instead of presents would be to get this **** over with, we should have just done a strict lockdown properly in the first place 7 months AGO then we could have all moved on with our lives and rebuilt a better world together.

The only other gift that we need instead of presents and consumerism IS TO BE KIND TO EACHOTHER because that seems to have gone completely out the window because now we are just all at war. Disturbingly, with EACH OTHER. It makes me sick. The hatred, self-righteousness, and meanness is appalling. We are all struggling in some way and reality check: WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER YALL. Look up Compassion in the dictionary. The only way we will beat this darkness is to stick together, to love one another, to practice empathy, to live from our hearts and stand TOGETHER.

While you are at it, look up fairness in the dictionary too. Because that doesn’t exist apparently.

Health care professionals and businesses everywhere, parents, workers, those waiting for surgeries all over are “sacrificing” meanwhile everyone is bored from lock down and no work and so they are hanging out at the shopping malls buying gifts instead.

You can’t see me but I am going to go bang my head against the wall while the rich get richer and mental health and livelihoods of our people continue to be destroyed.

Our rights and lives have been taken away apparently for no reason and we all roll over just to turn around and get a slap in the freaking face.

Walmart, Amazon, Costco wins



Do unto others as you would do unto you

Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would do unto you.”?We are all unique. We all come from different life circumstances, different preferences, different motivators, different perceptions, different childhoods, different religions, different triggers, different traumas. But we’re all the same color when we turn off the lights. We all bleed when we’re wounded. We all want to love and be loved. We all want security, stability, safety. What I don’t understand when scrolling through social media is why are we SO mean to each other? Why is it so normal to participate in this concept of duality? Why do we insist on this illusion that we are separate? That one person is right and the other is wrong? Why do we condemn another for not believing in the same things? That’s an illusion, caused by the mind and the play of the senses, which make us regard the world and everything in it as real and separate from us. The terms “I”, “you”, “he”, “she” and “they” are not real. If you can change your perception to oneness you’ll realize we are all cut from the same cloth. We should trying to make the world a better place for all its inhabitants. We should be building each other up, not putting each other down. Especially during a time like this. We should be unconditionally loving each other during the good and the bad. We should be accepting one another regardless of beliefs, religion, status, gender, sex, color, etc. Step up and put an end to others suffering. We are all souls experiencing a human existence. We’re all on this roller coaster ride of life, navigating an unknown path, learning a ton of lessons, dodging a ton of bullets, and riding out the storm TOGETHER – smiles, tears and all. So why don’t we work together? We do we condemn our neighbor for believing something that is not in alignment with our beliefs? Why do we as a society bully so often? Why is there so much self-righteousness? Why don’t we be kind and respectful to each other regardless? People who feel loved and supported are healthier, happier people → this creates a ripple effect out into the world which in turns makes this a much better planet to live on.